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Certified Back Flow Testing

Certified Backflow Testing Services in Pittsburgh, PA

  • Competitive Prices
  • Protective Warranties
  • Over 35 Years of Experience

  • Competitive Prices
  • Protective Warranties
  • Over 35 Years of Experience

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Effective Repair Services for Your Backflow Device in Pittsburgh

Backflow is a plumbing emergency and could pose a significant health hazard. Make sure you remain in compliance and protected from backflow issues by choosing Pawlak Plumbing LLC. We'll provide you with a prompt and thorough inspection of your backflow prevention devices with our top-of-the-line camera.

Apart from inspections, our team provides paperwork to take to the township. Our customer base comprises small business owners, and catering to them is our highest priority. Contact us if you need a service estimate. We'll try to get your estimates within 2 days to go out and look at it but we can do it over the phone immediately if provided images.

Certified Back Flow Testing

Call us and ask about our competitive prices!

(412) 356-8400

(412) 356-8400

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Pawlak Plumbing LLC

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